This document contains the answers to the following frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the AppleVision 1710AV Display.
1) I have not been able to resolve a conflict between the AppleVision 1710AV Display Enabler and the Now Toolbox init. My Now Startup Manager disables the Display Enabler every time. When this is disabled I cannot get any of my 1710AV software to work. Do I need a Display Enabler update?
2) When I startup my Power Macintosh 8100/100 with 1710AV display, the Conflict Catcher and QuickTime inits load, there is a 5 second pause, then the Display enabler loads, but wipes out the first two icons (Conflict Catcher and Quicktime) and the Mac OS logo before the rest of the icons load. How can I correct this problem?
3) I have an Macintosh Quadra 840AV with a Radius VideoVision installed. I have an AppleVision 1710AV Display on order that should be arriving soon. Will the AppleVision 1710AV Display work with the Radius hardware?
4) I have a Macintosh Performa 630CD and an AppleVision 1710AV Display. When the computer starts up, it hangs pauses at the Display Enabler init and then continues starting up with just the single progress bar, without the "Welcome to Macintosh" display. I have tried everything that I have seen posted in here including resetting the PRAM, working with the extensions manager, and so on. I downloaded Applevision 1.0.2. This did not help. How can I fix this?
5) I have a question about the Display enabler and AppleVision setup. At first I the problem was with Now Utilities, but after 5 days of running a clean system install with just one non apple control panel, 'FreePPP', my system is corrupt again. When I remove Display enabler and AppleVision Setup control panel everything works fine. Is there something wrong with the software for the AppleVision 1710AV Display?
6) I am using a Power Macintosh 7500 computer with an AppleVision 1710AV Display. A few times, after I re-calibrated the monitor, the display acquired a lavender (purple) color. At other times, after re-calibration, I can see spirals of faint diagonal lines across the entire screen. These problems invariably go away after several re-calibrations. The only non-Apple extensions I am using are Adobe Type Manager, Connectix Speed Doubler, Berkeley Systems' After Dark, and Now Utilities FileSaver. Sometimes the monitor's color is fine. Why does it do this?
7) I have an AppleVision 1710AV Display and I have discovered that while I am using the computer and the screen is blank (that is, during startup, the screen saver is on, and so on) that there are a number of barely visible colored lines running diagonally across the screen. They run the length of the screen and start from one corner all the way until the opposite. I can only see them when the screen is black. Have you heard of this? Is it a known issue? If so, what can I do to correct it?
8) We have experienced some incompatabilities with the AppleVision 1710AV Display, some third party boards, and the internal video on the Macintosh II VX. Are there any known issues with a setup like this?
1) Question: I have not been able to resolve a conflict between the AppleVision 1710AV Display Enabler and the Now Toolbox init. My Now Startup Manager disables the Display Enabler every time. When this is disabled I cannot get any of my 1710AV software to work. Do I need a Display Enabler update?
Answer: First, there is a known problem with Now's Startup Manager and AppleVision Software (specifically the Display Enabler). The solution is to disable Now Startup Manager and use Extension Manager. Now is aware that they have a problem and are working on a fix for it. This fix did not make into Now Utilities 5.0.2.
Second, AppleVision Software requires Display Enabler 2.0. The Display Enabler extension is needed for any 040 or nubus based Macintosh.
2) Question: When I startup my Power Macintosh 8100/100 with 1710AV display, the Conflict Catcher and QuickTime inits load, there is a 5 second pause, then the Display enabler loads, but wipes out the first two icons (Conflict Catcher and Quicktime) and the Mac OS logo before the rest of the icons load. How can I correct this problem?
Answer: AppleVision Software requires Display Enable 2.0. The Display Enabler extension is needed for any 040 or nubus based Macintosh.
3) Question: I have an Macintosh Quadra 840AV with a Radius VideoVision installed. I have an AppleVision 1710AV Display on order that should be arriving soon. Will the AppleVision 1710AV Display work with the Radius hardware?
Answer: AppleVision Monitors were only qualified on the supported built-in monitor ports (for all 68040 and PPC Macintosh computers) and on the 24AC NuBus card and the ATI PCI card. The third-party would have to revise its software driver to work with our monitor and software.
4) Question: I have a Macintosh Performa 630CD and an AppleVision 1710AV Display. When the computer starts up, it pauses at the Display Enabler init and then continues starting up with just the single progress bar, without the "Welcome to Macintosh" display. I have tried everything that I have seen posted including resetting the PRAM, working with the extensions manager, and so on. I downloaded Applevision 1.0.2. This did not help. How can I fix this?
Answer: As it states in the Read Me: "With some system software and hardware configurations, your screen may not redraw correctly during the startup process. This will not affect display performance." This is refering to problems like the one above. When the Display Enabler is loading, the screen may redraw, leaving the user with only a thermal bar left with no welcome to Macintosh window.
5) Question: I have a question about the Display enabler and the AppleVision Setup control panel. At first, I the problem was with Now Utilities, but after 5 days of running a virtually clean system software with just one non-Apple control panel, 'FreePPP', my system is corrupt again. When I remove Display enabler and AppleVision Setup control panel everything works fine. Is there something wrong with the software for the AppleVision 1710AV Display?
Answer: AppleVision Monitors require both of these software components to be loaded and they also require that the ADB cable is connected to the monitor. Otherwise the user will only get 640x480.
6) Question: I am using a Power Macintosh 7500 computer with an AppleVision 1710AV Display. A few times, after I re-calibrated the monitor, the display acquired a lavender (purple) color. At other times, after re-calibration, I can see spirals of faint diagonal lines across the entire screen. These problems invariably go away after several re-calibrations. The only non-Apple extensions I am using are Adobe Type Manager, Connectix Speed Doubler, Berkeley Systems' After Dark, and Now Utilities FileSaver. Sometimes the monitor's color is fine. Why does it do this?
Answer: This is usually caused by an error in recalibration. You only need to recalibrate a couple of times to recover from this situation. However, if the problem continues to occur there may be a hardware problem. Since the color data is transmitted over ADB, you should also avoid pressing the keyboard or bezel buttons during the recalibration.
7) Question: I have an AppleVision 1710AV Display and I have discovered that while I am using the computer and the screen is blank (that is, during startup, the screen saver is on, and so on) that there are a number of barely visible colored lines running diagonally across the screen. They run the length of the screen and start from one corner all the way until the opposite. I can only see them when the screen is black. Have you heard of this? Is it a known issue? If so, what can I do to correct it?
Answer: The diagonal lines are caused by the redraw gun inside the monitor resetting. You will see this under two circumstances.
First, brightness and contrast are turned all the way up to full. You should turn brightness down to about 50% and leave contrast all the way to full and see if the lines go away. Brightness at 50% and contrast at 100% is the suggested viewing level to get the brightest, clearest picture.
Second, the diagonal lines may appear if there is an error in recalibration. If lowering the brightness does not help, recalibrate the monitor a few times. When an error in recalibration does occur the monitor is supposed to be reset to its previous setting. Unfortunately there is no sure way of catching all of the recalibration errors. You may have to recalibrate up to 4 times before the monitor's color settings get properly restored from a miscalibration.
8) Question: We have experienced some incompatabilities with the AppleVision 1710AV Display, some third party boards, and the internal video on the Macintosh II VX. Are there any known issues with a setup like this?
Answer: AppleVision Monitors were only qualified on the supported built-in monitor ports (for all 68040 and PPC Macs) and on the 24AC NuBus card and the ATI PCI card. The third-party would have to revise its driver to work with our monitor and software.